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E-Documents for iSeries
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Recognized as one of the easiest and fastest electronic form implementation systems for the AS/400(iSeries).
Generate AS/400 and iSeries reports and forms in PDF format.
  • Security MICR Check Printing
  • iSeries Positive Pay Check Fraud
  • iShop iSeries based shopping cart
  • iSeries ACH(electronic payment)
  • Send AS/400 (iSeries) merged spool files electronically as email attachments.
    Web Based Archive and Retrieval system to view previously created documents or checks.
    Need a solution for your WindowNT environment? We now offer document solutions for your WinNT platform.
    AS/400(iSeries) host based automatated faxing of e-documents, forms, invoices, purchase orders, etc.
    Our programmable flash card prevents check printing operations from unauthorized personnel.
    Our iSeries MICR check fraud prevention software.
    email as400 spool files ibm as400
    ibm iseries document solutions

    AS400 Email Invoices

    inFORM Decisions powerful iMail™ is a fast and efficient method to email messages direct from your AS/400(iSeries) and attach spool files in various formats (*txt, *html, *pdf, *pcl, *rtf or other database files). Most notably, iMail™ can attach spool files with merged form overlays and graphics if used with inFORM Decisions's iDocs™ electronic form software.

    Best e-document solution 2000
    inFORM Decisions Wins 2000 Midrange Technology SHOWCASE Product Excellence Award for iMail™

    A compelling feature of iMail™ is the ability to burst and batch e-mail (automatically and unattended) desired portions of a print run. These selected sections will e-mail merged forms and graphics with spool file data (which could be invoices, purchase orders, laser checks, etc...) to customers, partners and employees, throughout your entire internetworked enterprise.

    • attach spool files in TEXT, HTML, PDF, PCL, RTF and more formats
    • attach Spool Files with Overlaid Graphics from inFORM Decisions's iDocs™
    • auto-burst and route a spool file in portions or in its entirety, to various recipients via multiple devices, overnight or in real-time.
    • send AS/400(iSeries) objects as file attachments
    Emailing from your AS/400(iSeries) messages, business documents and spool file reports in an easily readable format will save your company a tremendous amount of time and money eliminating cumbersome paper based labor and costs.

    • Imagine e-mailing Customer invoices from your AS/400(iSeries) overnight WITH NO COST OF POSTAGE (or time to receive via U.S. mail), FAX PHONE COSTS or EMPLOYEE INTERVENTION.

    • Imagine e-mailing Vendor Purchase Orders from your AS/400(iSeries) overnight - eliminating time and cost.

    • Imagine e-mailing (securely) checks to employees at remote sites from your AS/400(iSeries) overnight - eliminating time and cost.
    We would be happy to arrange a demonstration or evaluation of iMail™ anytime !

    System Requirements:
    AS/400(iSeries) with OS/400, RISC v3r7m0 and higher.

    To contact a sales representative please give us a call
    (800) 858-5544

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    30162 Tomas #101
    RSM, California 92688

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